

小試HTML 5 audio

2011年5月15日 — 各瀏覽器<audio>所支援的音效檔格式不盡相同,FF 3.6+吃ogg, wav, Safari 5+跟IE9吃mp3, wav,Chrome 6吃ogg, mp3, Opera 10.5吃ogg, wav。所以想通吃 ...

HTML5 Audio Tag Sound Effects

2018年1月25日 — HTML5 Audio Tag Sound Effects. offered by Kunihiro Ando. To download to your ... ...

<audio> - HTML(超文本标记语言)

2023年7月28日 — <audio> HTML 元素用于在文档中嵌入音频内容。 <audio> 元素可以包含一个或多个音频资源,这些音频资源可以使用 src 属性或者 <source> 元素来进行 ...

The Embed Audio element - HTML - MDN Web Docs

2023年12月9日 — The HTML element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute ...

HTML5 audio

Most AAC files with finite length are wrapped in an MPEG-4 container (.mp4, .m4a), which is supported natively in Internet Explorer, Safari, and Chrome, and ...

html5 audio not playing in chrome

2013年9月19日 — in my opinion problem is caused by codec issues. for me it also explains why firefox has been insisting not to use mp3.

How to make audio autoplay on chrome

2018年5月23日 — Just add an invisible iframe with an .mp3 as its source and allow=autoplay before the audio element. As a result, the browser is tricked into ...

Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio.. I can't use ...

2021年8月8日 — Do you have speakers on your system? can you hear other sounds ?

How to autoplay audio on chrome?

2023年7月13日 — To autoplay audio on Chrome with the preload attribute, include an HTML audio element with the src attribute specifying the audio file source.

HTML <audio> 標籤

Chrome, Safari, Opera. Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome 以及Safari 支援<audio> 標籤。 註釋:Internet Explorer 8 以及更早的版本不支援<audio> 標籤。